Daniela Comani
“It Was Me. Diary 1900–1999”
The art project “It was me. Diary 1900–1999” is a diary of 366 days – from January 1st to December 31st – siting events that occured in the 20th Century. Since it is written in the first person, the narrator assumes alternatively both the role of the culprit and the victim – introducing an impossible author of the century’s world history.
Original language: German, (c) Daniela Comani, 2002
English translation: Ann Cotten, 2007
Daniela Comani (born in Bologna, Italy) is an artist based in Berlin, Germany
A project of Ivo Wessel and Gerd Harry Lybke.
e-art-app no. 1:
Carsten Nicolai: rota. 2009
e-art-app no. 2:
Daniela Comani: It was Me. Diary 1900–1999. 2012
e-art-app no. 3:
Via Lewandowsky: WordWatch. 2012